Exam results cum out oredy..nop spm one but my common tests...haix...have nop done well in few subjects...o..i hate it!!!
haix...for biology...evthg is oright ...it is onli a diffrence of onli one mark...one mark man!!! for me achive 19A le....haix...so sad...didnt realli study well for the quizes and also the coommon test !! Oh..wat i Hate is those useless mcq...stupid objective question. 1 q 2 marks ah...realli cant tahan its weightage...haix...lose 6 marks bcos of stupid klmn !! haix...so regret ah...should have achive better grades la..haix..
asfor my math...today onli i get the paper back.hm...it was a disaster realli ...I was shock at first t see my marks ...so low!!!!! I realli hate myself for that....checking through the paper onli found out tat Mr Munin calculate my paper wrongly....haiz...i relli have a scare of my life...but anyway...the truth is the truth ...i got cut marks for stupid n careless mistakes... marks gone...endigup 18A...haiz...so poor result man...reali nop satisfy...Y have i done all those stupid and silly mistakes ?? y= 2x...the coordinate at x=3, -3....wat stupid thg will come out with (3,9),(-3,-9)...gosh...reali terrible horible and vegetable ah...haix..sign diagram no dotted lines...no exact critical value ?!!!..haiz/...dun realli like it la..haix...
for physics...got it last week ...so weak n poor...realli have to improve in tat...i cant blame anyoe for tat...i can onli blame myself for nop studying o my own ...always depend solely on teacher...haix..so sad...physics onli get a 14B onli...haix...poor poor...dunno how le lo...haix...
Chemistry...the subject which i have been failing to get a high scoresince secondary years...haix... should noe wat is the results le...haix...reali demotivated by the marks...i hate chemistry...tat is wat i have always think of...i dun like it at all...but watever...i have to take tat ..haix...i have too...
haix...esl...wat ll be the result ?? any idea ?? haix....hope is good la...hope onli...hiax..looking forward for the test paper...haix...i realli wish myself all the best le...anyway i noe god will help me...thx my heavenly Father...
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- Re@lli ...tired ...and tired....haix...Exh@us3d...
- g@mes!!!
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- Going fOr hOSpital atTachMent...
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- haiz...tiring days,,,
- hmM...another day...tired...
- hmm..haiz...h0L|d@y ..gone...
- i'M h@pPy toDaY!!!!!!!!!!! HaleLujah Thx My Heaven...
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- Did th3 Thing I kNow It is WronG and tHe puniShmen...
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- Aft3R a Tir|Ng D@y..Let'S haV3 sOme FuN!!~~
- Hei~~wat had happened tOd@y??
- Yeah,,forget about am imprtant thing
- a buZy d@y!!!
- today's PresS release !!!!!!!!
- H3i!!! SpM reSults comIng out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So anxi...
- oh GosH..so SmellY!!!! D@mN yoU pPl!!!!! HAte !!!
- ExaM results ?? Anxious?? Nervous?! HapPY?? S@d??n...
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