tHe seCr3t BhiNd my lOnG h@ir…

Dunno wheTher F3llow G7~ians ever wonder why I Have such a lonG hair o not ?? ActuallY I m short-Hair guy one..jux tat ..haix…no money cut my hair ah….haha..-_-||

Sm weird guy said tat I have antenna or wat so ever it is on my head…lolz..wat so ever..@ctually the hair ah,,,I have start ke3ping it since SPM..haha…at least 3 months already I didn’t cut my hair…so it is so long…of cos smtime I really get fed up of tidying my hair up and of cos I wish I can have it cut …but the problem is I wish to keep it until I got my Spm result then onli I ll cut them…it at least help me to keep sm of the memory…haha…

But anyway…I ll be going to cut the long thingy asap when I reach Sibu…btw..I m going back this Sund@y…Yeah…reallI miss the place…hmm..nop re@lli also…jux miss the fo0D thr onli…haha…the kampua thr … nice /..Kl ppl sure nvr taste tat thg b4 one…they ll sure fall in love for kampua..hehe…anyway,,,tat is the diferent thing u ppl cant have unless u go to Srwak…be more specific…kampua should say ‘origin’ from Sibu town one…haha

This time b@ck siBu I sure take the thing first..Jux like wat one of my friend does each and every time he touch down…haha…tat is quite a good practice …haha…I noe many ppl think srwak like hmm..backward or sort of thing..haha…But the truth is still the truth time if got chance pay a visit thr la..haha/…it is sure 2 different thing…I noe wat u ppl think la..srwakian nop living on trees anymore la…haha…and nop all srwakians are bumis…most Chinese are nop unless thr are “special” ones...haha..nop to insult but to criticize…XD..

Anywy..I ll have my trip back sibu by tomorrow..leaving this buzy city for my little warm town …haha…All my friends and G7-ians take kay o…

All the best to all have a good day …and good luck !!!!!! Keep in touCh!!
