hmm..basically nothing ...-_-|||..haha...realli wat i have done is ESl reali oredy monday morning..still dualing with this... ..ntg special...homewrks are speciall..indeed,,,haix,,ntg much ...juxtat...lolz...
thx God lead me over a day again is a new start...wanna visit my gdpa this morning...i ll b a good gdson...dun worry gdpa...God sure ll always be with us...
Tagged ??!!! ...hehe ...^_^
Instructions:Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry? depends...realli depend on my career...Some say a doctor have no life...So is really tough for me to foresee my future...It is realli a misry,...anyway...for me if no special my life...i would like to have my marriage...mayb before 32...i dunno why also...dun ask ...tat is my sixth sense tat told me...lolz...
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
Many things lo...have to tell evthg tat come to my mind...haha...see if my secret come to my mind at tat moment ...hehe..
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
1. lindley. She always laugh right after i speaks...dunno most is like tat...
2. aH hen. He is my foster brother...dunnno y oso...heh..i think he got fantastic and sad story of his pass to be told..
3. Christina probably. She is a gal hu is tough and reali tahan...full with care and love (correct love nop the boy-gal love),of cos seis bigger than me..should noe take kay of me..hehe..and tell me the sad story of hers.
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
I ll go...erm...many places...too many...but amog all the place i ant most should be Australia (at this moment- may change in future)..Japan is my scond option...
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
to be a good doctor and good man .
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
hmm..tough...without money is impossible to live...a little bit is jux nice for me(for my simple life in Subang)
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
afraid to lost ?? the most ?? yup it should be sam but another thing i feel at this critical time is...FRIENDS & FAMILY [copyright DIGI]...^_^
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do
Of cos charity sure enough in my list...part of my edu...part of it tomy bank acc...part of it to my parents...
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
hmm...depends on condition..i reali is the type who adapt to environment and think logically to the situation...i dun simply make deccision wat i have to say depends greatly on SITUATION (and my age)...
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Hmm...dunno oso...ei..Lindley...wat points u have huh??? haha...i cant reali think of any..hehe...XD>..yup got one...tat day ...i say ...this staplers sucks...she jux start laughing...dunno y ...tat is one point oredy...Another point...she very brave to say in other ways...she is talkative(jux joke nia) wat is other points??any suggestion ?? pls send to me ah///i canedit is a kind gal...with strong will ..tat is wat i can see,..
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
hm...lots of thg..haha...hmm..of cos to be caring...lovely...noe wat i m thinking and care about me...
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
LiAR!!!>>Those who lies (nop joking type)..lie for their own benefit ones..;p
13. What is your ambition? stay in hospital doing u-noe-wat-thing (dun think dirty o~~)
14. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
my sixth sense...hehe...
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
You wanna noe wat i think is the most important thing in my life??..try to guess...It is is of course my own life is the important one...
16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
smtime i like it...perhaps most time i like it..especially with friends and alone for me is a torture...
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
smthg i would not like to say...(secret)
18. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
sorry to the present moment ...none of the people around me are eligible to take the seat...perhaps some of my 'foster family' can...I have two brothers and a sister now...foster one...(the chinese say the dry ones)..haha...perhaps they ll take the place in times to come.
19. What makes you different?
{Different spiritually} o doubt it is my christian life..make me more mature in christianity and have full trust in God...Believe my Heavenly Father as my personal saviour..Beleving in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross to wash away our sin ..Believe in God ll always be with me now and owes whenever. watever i do and whrever i go.
{Different in character} Malaysian Red Crescent. Tat is the real thing make me to tranform into a new individual...brand new myself also cat believe it...
20. What is my sickness and the symptoms and signs??
My sickness...addiction...Internet addiction...Chronic level...i noe but nvr change...cant conrol...dunnno y...without internet i have no life...Symptoms and signs ???? friends in college...take note... First sign..panda eyes(for me nop tat obvious), 2nd...unfinished homework...,3rd ..Poor results in exam or quizes...4th attention in class..sleeping/sleepy in class...5th face a lot of pimples...6th..i feel very tired...and dun feel like wanna layan u in class...tat is the signs and symptoms...can catch me in class le..hehe..
Who do i tag ??
1. Lindley (no rules stating tat cant repeat tagging)
2. Christina
3. Hen gor~~
4. Ivy Chien
5. Ian Bin Chu@...;p
6. Kah yu..haha
7. Vidya -- Physics buddy hehe...XD
8. ???
1. At what age do you wish to marry? depends...realli depend on my career...Some say a doctor have no life...So is really tough for me to foresee my future...It is realli a misry,...anyway...for me if no special my life...i would like to have my marriage...mayb before 32...i dunno why also...dun ask ...tat is my sixth sense tat told me...lolz...
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
Many things lo...have to tell evthg tat come to my mind...haha...see if my secret come to my mind at tat moment ...hehe..
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
1. lindley. She always laugh right after i speaks...dunno most is like tat...
2. aH hen. He is my foster brother...dunnno y oso...heh..i think he got fantastic and sad story of his pass to be told..
3. Christina probably. She is a gal hu is tough and reali tahan...full with care and love (correct love nop the boy-gal love),of cos seis bigger than me..should noe take kay of me..hehe..and tell me the sad story of hers.
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
I ll go...erm...many places...too many...but amog all the place i ant most should be Australia (at this moment- may change in future)..Japan is my scond option...
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
to be a good doctor and good man .
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
hmm..tough...without money is impossible to live...a little bit is jux nice for me(for my simple life in Subang)
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
afraid to lost ?? the most ?? yup it should be sam but another thing i feel at this critical time is...FRIENDS & FAMILY [copyright DIGI]...^_^
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do
Of cos charity sure enough in my list...part of my edu...part of it tomy bank acc...part of it to my parents...
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
hmm...depends on condition..i reali is the type who adapt to environment and think logically to the situation...i dun simply make deccision wat i have to say depends greatly on SITUATION (and my age)...
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Hmm...dunno oso...ei..Lindley...wat points u have huh??? haha...i cant reali think of any..hehe...XD>..yup got one...tat day ...i say ...this staplers sucks...she jux start laughing...dunno y ...tat is one point oredy...Another point...she very brave to say in other ways...she is talkative(jux joke nia) wat is other points??any suggestion ?? pls send to me ah///i canedit is a kind gal...with strong will ..tat is wat i can see,..
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
hm...lots of thg..haha...hmm..of cos to be caring...lovely...noe wat i m thinking and care about me...
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
LiAR!!!>>Those who lies (nop joking type)..lie for their own benefit ones..;p
13. What is your ambition? stay in hospital doing u-noe-wat-thing (dun think dirty o~~)
14. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
my sixth sense...hehe...
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
You wanna noe wat i think is the most important thing in my life??..try to guess...It is is of course my own life is the important one...
16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
smtime i like it...perhaps most time i like it..especially with friends and alone for me is a torture...
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
smthg i would not like to say...(secret)
18. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
sorry to the present moment ...none of the people around me are eligible to take the seat...perhaps some of my 'foster family' can...I have two brothers and a sister now...foster one...(the chinese say the dry ones)..haha...perhaps they ll take the place in times to come.
19. What makes you different?
{Different spiritually} o doubt it is my christian life..make me more mature in christianity and have full trust in God...Believe my Heavenly Father as my personal saviour..Beleving in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross to wash away our sin ..Believe in God ll always be with me now and owes whenever. watever i do and whrever i go.
{Different in character} Malaysian Red Crescent. Tat is the real thing make me to tranform into a new individual...brand new myself also cat believe it...
20. What is my sickness and the symptoms and signs??
My sickness...addiction...Internet addiction...Chronic level...i noe but nvr change...cant conrol...dunnno y...without internet i have no life...Symptoms and signs ???? friends in college...take note... First sign..panda eyes(for me nop tat obvious), 2nd...unfinished homework...,3rd ..Poor results in exam or quizes...4th attention in class..sleeping/sleepy in class...5th face a lot of pimples...6th..i feel very tired...and dun feel like wanna layan u in class...tat is the signs and symptoms...can catch me in class le..hehe..
Who do i tag ??
1. Lindley (no rules stating tat cant repeat tagging)
2. Christina
3. Hen gor~~
4. Ivy Chien
5. Ian Bin Chu@...;p
6. Kah yu..haha
7. Vidya -- Physics buddy hehe...XD
8. ???
Re@lli ...tired ...and tired....haix...Exh@us3d...
Knowing the life of a simply sucks....
I dunno about the real real i noe as i m in hospital attachment sucks....realli...realli terrible...but wat so ever..i still wan to be...many doctor demotivate the students going for the attachment...But thir attempt fail ..sad to say...haha..
Tell u sm about hospitall...a useless a sense that it have many useless doctors...i hate all those HO who are proud ...haix...dunno how they bncum doctor by tat realli sucks...especially those who self finance for the MD or wat so ever...
Hospital is a very noe how to describe) ..patients ...are priority .,,must take care first...haix..of cos...tat is truth...and ev thing happening in the hospital are secret ..cant be tell is smtg like secret la...haix...
In my five days...i went many places in the is so ...(pls fill..cos i dunno wat to fill)...aiks...i went to mortuary whr all the dead bodies are placed...went to Gynae ward...Male n female surgical ward...specialist clinic...and many many more...
The most best thg is go see babies in labour room...Although my group is damn unlucky cant realli witness it is ok la...can see when bcum doctor ba...we see the baby born cute...haa...We went on call tiring realli nop good...
haix...the five days course will pass very soo...juz a few hours left...JPA interview announced...and very happy i can go for the relief....thx god for helping me...
My nnext target is to grab the scholarship using watever way i can...of cos legal ways...haha...Pray hard to god to give my the change....All the best to All!!!!
I dunno about the real real i noe as i m in hospital attachment sucks....realli...realli terrible...but wat so ever..i still wan to be...many doctor demotivate the students going for the attachment...But thir attempt fail ..sad to say...haha..
Tell u sm about hospitall...a useless a sense that it have many useless doctors...i hate all those HO who are proud ...haix...dunno how they bncum doctor by tat realli sucks...especially those who self finance for the MD or wat so ever...
Hospital is a very noe how to describe) ..patients ...are priority .,,must take care first...haix..of cos...tat is truth...and ev thing happening in the hospital are secret ..cant be tell is smtg like secret la...haix...
In my five days...i went many places in the is so ...(pls fill..cos i dunno wat to fill)...aiks...i went to mortuary whr all the dead bodies are placed...went to Gynae ward...Male n female surgical ward...specialist clinic...and many many more...
The most best thg is go see babies in labour room...Although my group is damn unlucky cant realli witness it is ok la...can see when bcum doctor ba...we see the baby born cute...haa...We went on call tiring realli nop good...
haix...the five days course will pass very soo...juz a few hours left...JPA interview announced...and very happy i can go for the relief....thx god for helping me...
My nnext target is to grab the scholarship using watever way i can...of cos legal ways...haha...Pray hard to god to give my the change....All the best to All!!!!
Today is 3@stEr Sund@y!!!
Hei,,..Praise God in His holy temple !! Christ is risen !! Christ will come again ...Hosanna in the highest...Glory in His name !!! is indeed a great day today ...Evone celebrating Easter Sunday ...ev christians be accurate...How bout u ?? As for me i m in Sibu right now...feeling rater miserable ...haha...ayway...i would like to greet all of you a happy easter sunday ,,,,]
All the best to all in ur new life...Thanks Jesus christ for His sacrifice to give us a new life without sins.Forget wat u have done yesteray ...look further towards ur futuer....u ll reach thr with peac and without commiting sins..I believe in you if and only if you can believe in urself!!!
Good luck evone !!!
-'jinso0N'- is indeed a great day today ...Evone celebrating Easter Sunday ...ev christians be accurate...How bout u ?? As for me i m in Sibu right now...feeling rater miserable ...haha...ayway...i would like to greet all of you a happy easter sunday ,,,,]
All the best to all in ur new life...Thanks Jesus christ for His sacrifice to give us a new life without sins.Forget wat u have done yesteray ...look further towards ur futuer....u ll reach thr with peac and without commiting sins..I believe in you if and only if you can believe in urself!!!
Good luck evone !!!
Going fOr hOSpital atTachMent...
oh...Jpa make each and ev one of the aspiring doctors to go for the programme...I realli wonder how this can help to expose....I mean this programme should come right after the release of result...instead of asking us to go for the attachment...
haix...feeling rather unwilling to go back Sibu, how i wish i m able to stay at Subang here...and continue my life here...of cos without burdens(hopefully)...haix...but i noe it is no way ...cos i m a foreigner here...haix...anyway...i try my best to improve myself ...
After the hospital thingy is the interview...still not yet know the shortlisted candidates...hoping that i m one, i realli get serious headche of how m i going to continue my life in subang after one or two weeks of long leave...gosh..i realli dunno how i can cope with problem...haix..
Anyway...all the best for all those goin to the(good for nothing)attachment and all the best too for the jpa applications..interviews and all that...Gambateh...
rmb to prepare urself for the interview...Take kay...How i wish each and evone of you who apply can get the scholrship...I ll pray for all... :)
haix...feeling rather unwilling to go back Sibu, how i wish i m able to stay at Subang here...and continue my life here...of cos without burdens(hopefully)...haix...but i noe it is no way ...cos i m a foreigner here...haix...anyway...i try my best to improve myself ...
After the hospital thingy is the interview...still not yet know the shortlisted candidates...hoping that i m one, i realli get serious headche of how m i going to continue my life in subang after one or two weeks of long leave...gosh..i realli dunno how i can cope with problem...haix..
Anyway...all the best for all those goin to the(good for nothing)attachment and all the best too for the jpa applications..interviews and all that...Gambateh...
rmb to prepare urself for the interview...Take kay...How i wish each and evone of you who apply can get the scholrship...I ll pray for all... :)
Oh..i hate my life some time...thinking that it realli sucks...haix...
realli tire of my life and realli dun like wat it is like now...SAM is nop a course you think that it is so seasy...It is tough....If compared to A level ... i think i ll prefer A level more...haix...That is wat i think...hmm...But i cant regret for watever i have chosen that is my choice anywhere...totally fed up of facing such choices again...
again ,..come to jpa...i really regret for applying for is nop onli very competitive and after i listen to wat ms kalpana said about a doctor's life...i juz dun feel like being a doctor...But again...evthg come after the very moment for decision making..thr is no way for me to return way for my to turn back to the road and take another road....It is realli like wat i learned in SPM literature...The Road nop taken,,., i Realli miss my secondary years ,..the life is simple easy and colourful...Feeling stressful during those years is nop like the stress feeling now...I realli have headache and I realli cant stand anymore...I ll break down one day...realli...tired,...
Ev nite sleeping late...jux to have sm enjoyment besides doin assignments and homeworks...No doubt the school works is haunthing me all the way...I strongly believe that this is a self abuse course...I realli cant stand anymore longer...
Been attack by headache is realli nop a good feeling. Very often i m thinking of changing this changing tat but i cant nvr do tat...What is done is done...that is y...What i can do now is rather simple....pray ...that is to pray to the Lord and ask Him to help me in coping with all of this
Today is Good Friday, which i dun think many of the West Malaysians care of(For most west malaysian good friday is a public holiday)... ..But as a East Malaysian I realli care of the special day today. It is a memorable day indeed, Jesus sacrified for us on the cross in order to clean out bodies and cleanse ourself againt the sins. And I noe God is always with me by my side...I trust in God and I will always believe in Him.
Anyway...the same thing here...all the best to all of you ...Spm leavers...find ur target and go for it...and should nvr regret about it,...Go for your interest and juz do it...Trusting yourself is wat help u to succeed in life...All the best !!! Good luck!!
realli tire of my life and realli dun like wat it is like now...SAM is nop a course you think that it is so seasy...It is tough....If compared to A level ... i think i ll prefer A level more...haix...That is wat i think...hmm...But i cant regret for watever i have chosen that is my choice anywhere...totally fed up of facing such choices again...
again ,..come to jpa...i really regret for applying for is nop onli very competitive and after i listen to wat ms kalpana said about a doctor's life...i juz dun feel like being a doctor...But again...evthg come after the very moment for decision making..thr is no way for me to return way for my to turn back to the road and take another road....It is realli like wat i learned in SPM literature...The Road nop taken,,., i Realli miss my secondary years ,..the life is simple easy and colourful...Feeling stressful during those years is nop like the stress feeling now...I realli have headache and I realli cant stand anymore...I ll break down one day...realli...tired,...
Ev nite sleeping late...jux to have sm enjoyment besides doin assignments and homeworks...No doubt the school works is haunthing me all the way...I strongly believe that this is a self abuse course...I realli cant stand anymore longer...
Been attack by headache is realli nop a good feeling. Very often i m thinking of changing this changing tat but i cant nvr do tat...What is done is done...that is y...What i can do now is rather simple....pray ...that is to pray to the Lord and ask Him to help me in coping with all of this
Today is Good Friday, which i dun think many of the West Malaysians care of(For most west malaysian good friday is a public holiday)... ..But as a East Malaysian I realli care of the special day today. It is a memorable day indeed, Jesus sacrified for us on the cross in order to clean out bodies and cleanse ourself againt the sins. And I noe God is always with me by my side...I trust in God and I will always believe in Him.
Anyway...the same thing here...all the best to all of you ...Spm leavers...find ur target and go for it...and should nvr regret about it,...Go for your interest and juz do it...Trusting yourself is wat help u to succeed in life...All the best !!! Good luck!!
haiz...tiring days,,,
These few days...tiring tired...feel very lazy to type and share but ...anyway..i have to...
wat i m going to start with /./.? has been 2 days since i last come here...and write...for these two days life sucks...i slept at 1 n 2 oclock ev nite and wake up at 7 ev morning...nop enough sleep ah...jux now still sleep in library ..haha...
yeah...i going to tell about my exp when go to the bulats is realli a fantastic one...i realli like tat many thing on interview. the speaker is realli nice and he is really great!!hmm...haiz...dunno wat more to say...haha..
then ah...these few days noting reali special...the onli thing tat special for me is the submission of our detailed shocked heard some of my friends say tat the outline can go out of topic one....haix...i pray tat mine wouldnt go out of the topic...hopefully...hmm...anyway...wont talk too much...tired to type too much too...
this week ll end on fri ...tomorow is a holiday...friday for me is a very exciting day...jpa short listed future doctors ll be out...I realli pray tat i ll get the thing i wan ah...haix...
anywya..all the best,.,good luck...
wat i m going to start with /./.? has been 2 days since i last come here...and write...for these two days life sucks...i slept at 1 n 2 oclock ev nite and wake up at 7 ev morning...nop enough sleep ah...jux now still sleep in library ..haha...
yeah...i going to tell about my exp when go to the bulats is realli a fantastic one...i realli like tat many thing on interview. the speaker is realli nice and he is really great!!hmm...haiz...dunno wat more to say...haha..
then ah...these few days noting reali special...the onli thing tat special for me is the submission of our detailed shocked heard some of my friends say tat the outline can go out of topic one....haix...i pray tat mine wouldnt go out of the topic...hopefully...hmm...anyway...wont talk too much...tired to type too much too...
this week ll end on fri ...tomorow is a holiday...friday for me is a very exciting day...jpa short listed future doctors ll be out...I realli pray tat i ll get the thing i wan ah...haix...
anywya..all the best,.,good luck...
hmM...another day...tired...
Uncertainty...i scare...i hate ..and i dun like....i dun like uncertain tahings...i realli dun like is sort of suffering for me and i nvr can enjoy is realli a suffer-to-death thing for me...
wondering wat is so uncertain...the answer is simple and may haunted anyone of you who read this also....the dream...and my life in next few days...perhaps next few weeks. and next few months...I realli wish to know wat ll i be and wat ll happen in the next few days....anyway..onli theGod almighty noe about my future....wat i can do is to ...pray ..pray and pray..pray hard that my future is the one i wan...the one i like and the one which i choose...although i noe i sound pretty selfish tat is wathave been making my life so tiring and suffering like wat ...haix...eralli hope that i ll be able to achieve wat i have ...i noe too i cant be greedy and i realli pray tat evthg i gone through .,..I ll go towards my aim...
recently i was realli lost and realli fed up of the internet problem...always limited access and i realli hate the thing...haix..i cant access the net in my house fed helpless...aand i doubt why is this happening...i realli get very angry for tat....try imagine a wireless connection without full realli not tat good...haix....anyway...after i think and think...i think is a test for me from God...Sure enough ...He is testing me in my life....and i noe ...He is trying to help me in one way another,...He tries to control that i dun get addicted to the internet...I am sorry to say i m realli an internet addict...haix...i m so sad fed up of myself...but i cant control...simply cant control myself in front of a computer with internet access...haix...
i realli dun like it ..wanyway,.,in the days to come i noe life may change...i have a lots of secret i dont tell my classmates perhaps noone ask and no one noes...hmmm...i realli have trouble time deciding on the is realli making me suffer all this while....
anyway...i noe My Dear Heavenly Father will always be by my with me always and whenever i go..watever i do...i noe He will help me to choose for the best for me...ans/..he ll give me wisdon im coping dillema and problemss in my life which i fear and hope that God can lead my life towards the right way and i noe He always do....
Cant write too secret cant tell off here too...anyway...All the best to all...May the holy spirit of God be with all of you in ur life too...Best of the best...
wondering wat is so uncertain...the answer is simple and may haunted anyone of you who read this also....the dream...and my life in next few days...perhaps next few weeks. and next few months...I realli wish to know wat ll i be and wat ll happen in the next few days....anyway..onli theGod almighty noe about my future....wat i can do is to ...pray ..pray and pray..pray hard that my future is the one i wan...the one i like and the one which i choose...although i noe i sound pretty selfish tat is wathave been making my life so tiring and suffering like wat ...haix...eralli hope that i ll be able to achieve wat i have ...i noe too i cant be greedy and i realli pray tat evthg i gone through .,..I ll go towards my aim...
recently i was realli lost and realli fed up of the internet problem...always limited access and i realli hate the thing...haix..i cant access the net in my house fed helpless...aand i doubt why is this happening...i realli get very angry for tat....try imagine a wireless connection without full realli not tat good...haix....anyway...after i think and think...i think is a test for me from God...Sure enough ...He is testing me in my life....and i noe ...He is trying to help me in one way another,...He tries to control that i dun get addicted to the internet...I am sorry to say i m realli an internet addict...haix...i m so sad fed up of myself...but i cant control...simply cant control myself in front of a computer with internet access...haix...
i realli dun like it ..wanyway,.,in the days to come i noe life may change...i have a lots of secret i dont tell my classmates perhaps noone ask and no one noes...hmmm...i realli have trouble time deciding on the is realli making me suffer all this while....
anyway...i noe My Dear Heavenly Father will always be by my with me always and whenever i go..watever i do...i noe He will help me to choose for the best for me...ans/..he ll give me wisdon im coping dillema and problemss in my life which i fear and hope that God can lead my life towards the right way and i noe He always do....
Cant write too secret cant tell off here too...anyway...All the best to all...May the holy spirit of God be with all of you in ur life too...Best of the best...
hmm..haiz...h0L|d@y ..gone... two more as time i gonna go back to KL le...haix..
actualli i dunrealli like the life is sort of boring and no fun ...i onli enjoy my time during weekend after fellowship services...haix...anyway,..i noe that is my college life..which seems nop tat nice...
college life for me b4 i m on the is a very fun it seems it is the othr wa round...haix...
thinking about the homeworks and assignment ...realli cant play...haix..
try to imagine..if ev actions of urs is giving marks to be assess on ur ll it be is sort of sufferings is often called SAM ---SELF ABUSING MATRICULATION..haix...realli is a self abusing course...
my ESL note taking...i did the wrong wonder fool...haix...have to redo all the things again..very very very fed up...i hate sucks realli ..i tot it ll be a good thing for me hu noe itis is a self killing agent!! i dun lke it !!
i found it realli dificult to do my research ...the website got so little info and i take note about the tory thingy, fed up and so miserable now...hix...
thinking of redoing the stuff...i m so desperated///so mieserable...i haven start my new note taking it is sure a real no mater wt happen..i sure ll finish it....i noe i can and i believe i can ...believe is mmost important !!!
and thx God for helping all the way through...tomorow will be my ESL notetaking fun for me...sure enough..anyway...preay tat i ll finish all the stuff by tomorow... all the best to all too .!!!
actualli i dunrealli like the life is sort of boring and no fun ...i onli enjoy my time during weekend after fellowship services...haix...anyway,..i noe that is my college life..which seems nop tat nice...
college life for me b4 i m on the is a very fun it seems it is the othr wa round...haix...
thinking about the homeworks and assignment ...realli cant play...haix..
try to imagine..if ev actions of urs is giving marks to be assess on ur ll it be is sort of sufferings is often called SAM ---SELF ABUSING MATRICULATION..haix...realli is a self abusing course...
my ESL note taking...i did the wrong wonder fool...haix...have to redo all the things again..very very very fed up...i hate sucks realli ..i tot it ll be a good thing for me hu noe itis is a self killing agent!! i dun lke it !!
i found it realli dificult to do my research ...the website got so little info and i take note about the tory thingy, fed up and so miserable now...hix...
thinking of redoing the stuff...i m so desperated///so mieserable...i haven start my new note taking it is sure a real no mater wt happen..i sure ll finish it....i noe i can and i believe i can ...believe is mmost important !!!
and thx God for helping all the way through...tomorow will be my ESL notetaking fun for me...sure enough..anyway...preay tat i ll finish all the stuff by tomorow... all the best to all too .!!!
i'M h@pPy toDaY!!!!!!!!!!! HaleLujah Thx My Heavenly FathEr...I loVe You...Dear Lord!!!!!!!! I love You!!
A results which i had been longing and waiting for such a long time...lastly..finally...eventualli...come out at 11:00am in my school...
Thank God really thx My dear Heavenly Father !!! I got great results !!! Thanks !!!I am so Happy...thx Lord for giving me such goood results!!! Anyway..i ll still go ahead and struggle in the future....I must nop disapoint You, Lord ..I ll strugle until the very end...Thx realli !!!
Thank God really thx My dear Heavenly Father !!! I got great results !!! Thanks !!!I am so Happy...thx Lord for giving me such goood results!!! Anyway..i ll still go ahead and struggle in the future....I must nop disapoint You, Lord ..I ll strugle until the very end...Thx realli !!!
Damn NerVoUs noW!!!!!!!!!!!
It is 12 am oredy/...IT is today!!!...TODAY !!!!...the results out!!! gosh.. i m so nervous now...evone seems to be nervous too...but i am realli fear n nervous/...
anyway i believe in worries,,, is not the end of world yet....face it !!!
God pls help me ...i must reach my target !! God help me!~Amen.
anyway i believe in worries,,, is not the end of world yet....face it !!!
God pls help me ...i must reach my target !! God help me!~Amen.
T@|kinG abouT PoLitiCs...
I am actu@lli quIck happy for DAP have won a lot in this turn's general election. It is a great turning point and quite shock with the result...
Even in my study place-- Taylor's UC...DAp won!! take a lo0k at the Super woman's page ( this country practice the so-called "demokrasi berparlimen" or wat ever the 'Mer-l@ys' may call it, perhaps it is a real go0d for nothing policy as i dun see any real justice involved thoroughly... Wat so ever..the results are out and it is a total satisfaction...Yeah!!...Many rockets have realli succeeded in taking of for the space to explore the real universal!! that is reali reali great !! That wat realli nice...PKR same also long as thr is our government is now nop realli that 'balanced' as they had tot tat they are b4. Get wat i mean ??
hei ..heard from i cant reveal...the-one-u-shold-no-noe told me tat he/she(represented by 'it' to be easy for me...hehe..sorry ah) when it went for a campaign...the DAP speaker say that "the ppl who are balanced" are always yes man...YES, Man!!..hmm..He hu is a very good and great leader give a good example... jux take a bottle and a coconut....wanna noe how he describe it?? oh...he is real creative la...reali nice...try guesswat he do with this two things...b4 u see the next paragraph...try to think first...
He said that the ppl-hu-are-balanced are those tin kosong which are nice but very empty one la...jux like th prawns without brains ah( this is tokok tambah one...haha...XD)...anyway...he said that..."hei u!!! u nvr try to think izit ?? cannot la...hmm...trying to look out the thing he do to the the bottle and the coconut in this paragraph ah?? ...haha...fooled...
No la..actulli the thing he do is tat he said tat the bottle is pronounced 'botol' in our 'great' ntional language and it sound very like very betul...haix...and the other thing is the coconut. in hokkien and foo is called smthg like "ya"...(my hometown is small foo foof chow is known by most ppl here)so wat he trying to said is that the-balanced-ppl onli answer yes to the questions concerning 'betul?'...get it ??see the dialog designed below for more understanding:
Pork. Master: Mereka adalah prawn brained. Betul?
A Balanced-people: ya !!! memang prawn brained..
B balanced-ppl : ya lo. ya lo...semua also rotten prwan brain..
get it ??if nop then it is ok ...jux a sharing here...haha..anyway...i hope tat the change is realli a great thing to our country . at least it can wake some of the ppl hu tot tat they are very balanced to beware of their increasing body weight.As i m nop straight forward, try to catch the thing i ll like to deliver here...hehe...THX...
I lov3 M'sia !!! Memang "Boleh"..!!
Even in my study place-- Taylor's UC...DAp won!! take a lo0k at the Super woman's page ( this country practice the so-called "demokrasi berparlimen" or wat ever the 'Mer-l@ys' may call it, perhaps it is a real go0d for nothing policy as i dun see any real justice involved thoroughly... Wat so ever..the results are out and it is a total satisfaction...Yeah!!...Many rockets have realli succeeded in taking of for the space to explore the real universal!! that is reali reali great !! That wat realli nice...PKR same also long as thr is our government is now nop realli that 'balanced' as they had tot tat they are b4. Get wat i mean ??
hei ..heard from i cant reveal...the-one-u-shold-no-noe told me tat he/she(represented by 'it' to be easy for me...hehe..sorry ah) when it went for a campaign...the DAP speaker say that "the ppl who are balanced" are always yes man...YES, Man!!..hmm..He hu is a very good and great leader give a good example... jux take a bottle and a coconut....wanna noe how he describe it?? oh...he is real creative la...reali nice...try guesswat he do with this two things...b4 u see the next paragraph...try to think first...
He said that the ppl-hu-are-balanced are those tin kosong which are nice but very empty one la...jux like th prawns without brains ah( this is tokok tambah one...haha...XD)...anyway...he said that..."hei u!!! u nvr try to think izit ?? cannot la...hmm...trying to look out the thing he do to the the bottle and the coconut in this paragraph ah?? ...haha...fooled...
No la..actulli the thing he do is tat he said tat the bottle is pronounced 'botol' in our 'great' ntional language and it sound very like very betul...haix...and the other thing is the coconut. in hokkien and foo is called smthg like "ya"...(my hometown is small foo foof chow is known by most ppl here)so wat he trying to said is that the-balanced-ppl onli answer yes to the questions concerning 'betul?'...get it ??see the dialog designed below for more understanding:
Pork. Master: Mereka adalah prawn brained. Betul?
A Balanced-people: ya !!! memang prawn brained..
B balanced-ppl : ya lo. ya lo...semua also rotten prwan brain..
get it ??if nop then it is ok ...jux a sharing here...haha..anyway...i hope tat the change is realli a great thing to our country . at least it can wake some of the ppl hu tot tat they are very balanced to beware of their increasing body weight.As i m nop straight forward, try to catch the thing i ll like to deliver here...hehe...THX...
I lov3 M'sia !!! Memang "Boleh"..!!
HaiZ...wat a d@y....
Tell u ah..toD@y is noP a nice day for me..haix...ju dunno y feel tired..haix...
mayb tat is life as myself...realli hate tat stupid ones..cant reveal the the-stupid-one-u-dunno's name is "case sensitive"...cos the-stupid-one-u-dunno is a prawn without a head..tat is worse then the prawn's with normal 'prawn brain' well i assume they have rotten ones...Lolz...anyway...tat thing realli make my life sucks...stupid thing la...luckily DAP and PKR win quite a lot this time...or the 'Mer-LIons' will sure do Smthg even worst...haix...
anyway...i try to dun think of tat thing hate the thing ah..make my life miserable...anyway...i should pay no more attetion on tat stupid stuff...
Hmm...yesterday once touch down..i went straight to cut hair nice...feel so 'airy' haha!! have quite a change if compared with m with my long hair...haha...
today...also at about one hour b4 midnight rceived all the files for the L@m3 is realli lame thingyla...haix///oso tire to say them oredy so jux forget about it la...haix...i have to respect wat others have done is a group work and it suppose to be and wat can i do if it dun turn out to be...haha...wat m i saying ?? sounds so weird one...haha..anyway...hope u-de-1-hu-read-this ll understand... for u should understand mathematics when thr is an equation but it bcum sm thing like inequalities...i do ppl nop tat straght forward forgive me ah...
anyway...thx for the contribution..which i should say i realli appreciate very very very very very much in a sense tat..i m so wiling to appreciate it..get wat i mean ??
haiz...two more days...two more days left..perhaps should be one by now...the day itself cant be count one anymore...two more night to enjoy ur sleep...must appreciate now...or u might have a good sleep after tat o u might nop be...anyway...jux rmb wat is done is applies to all...
i m nervous...may lord help me..i noe that He will help me...My dear heavenly Father is the onli one who can decide whr i should go in my life...He decides for me as He is the one who created me and I m onli a small buddy made to serve and care. Sure enough He will help me watever circumstances. No matter how is the results i ll still believe in You and trust You.Thank for evday You'd given me.
Evday is a gife from God. Appreciate it !!! Start ur day tomorow with strenght and courages!! The best to u!!!!!!!!!!!
mayb tat is life as myself...realli hate tat stupid ones..cant reveal the the-stupid-one-u-dunno's name is "case sensitive"...cos the-stupid-one-u-dunno is a prawn without a head..tat is worse then the prawn's with normal 'prawn brain' well i assume they have rotten ones...Lolz...anyway...tat thing realli make my life sucks...stupid thing la...luckily DAP and PKR win quite a lot this time...or the 'Mer-LIons' will sure do Smthg even worst...haix...
anyway...i try to dun think of tat thing hate the thing ah..make my life miserable...anyway...i should pay no more attetion on tat stupid stuff...
Hmm...yesterday once touch down..i went straight to cut hair nice...feel so 'airy' haha!! have quite a change if compared with m with my long hair...haha...
today...also at about one hour b4 midnight rceived all the files for the L@m3 is realli lame thingyla...haix///oso tire to say them oredy so jux forget about it la...haix...i have to respect wat others have done is a group work and it suppose to be and wat can i do if it dun turn out to be...haha...wat m i saying ?? sounds so weird one...haha..anyway...hope u-de-1-hu-read-this ll understand... for u should understand mathematics when thr is an equation but it bcum sm thing like inequalities...i do ppl nop tat straght forward forgive me ah...
anyway...thx for the contribution..which i should say i realli appreciate very very very very very much in a sense tat..i m so wiling to appreciate it..get wat i mean ??
haiz...two more days...two more days left..perhaps should be one by now...the day itself cant be count one anymore...two more night to enjoy ur sleep...must appreciate now...or u might have a good sleep after tat o u might nop be...anyway...jux rmb wat is done is applies to all...
i m nervous...may lord help me..i noe that He will help me...My dear heavenly Father is the onli one who can decide whr i should go in my life...He decides for me as He is the one who created me and I m onli a small buddy made to serve and care. Sure enough He will help me watever circumstances. No matter how is the results i ll still believe in You and trust You.Thank for evday You'd given me.
Evday is a gife from God. Appreciate it !!! Start ur day tomorow with strenght and courages!! The best to u!!!!!!!!!!!
In this HoliDay if u Fe3l Bored..Com3 h3re & PlAy!!...^_^
If u ever feel Bore in This "Long holiday.."..come and plAy some games here!!...train up ur skill...jux like i said last time...dun be a nerd if u are one...^_<
Hei~~ FriendshiP..
Be h@ppy ...!! Must be happY !!
Evone pls be happy this holiday...watever things tat happen dun ever gone down...
i noe spm results release pretty soon..i m oso vervous about by day the steps getting nearer...but...rmb one important thing...God is always beside../.he is right beside u ...dun be afriad as he sure ll protect u... Be HAPPY!!!!!

i noe spm results release pretty soon..i m oso vervous about by day the steps getting nearer...but...rmb one important thing...God is always beside../.he is right beside u ...dun be afriad as he sure ll protect u... Be HAPPY!!!!!

Did th3 Thing I kNow It is WronG and tHe puniShment is g3t EmbarR@seD….haiz…
Haix…today..right after LAme subject…bcos tat we are having test and we finish our LAM subject earlier… I went to guardian which is about 300 meters away to buy “smthg”..haha…but the thing is that …oh…it is so throwing face ah..gosh…I went late for my Maths class!! embarrassing la…like no face one when walking into the class…evone starring at me like I m a criminal .at tat moment I really hope that thr is a ostrich to dig a hole for me so tat I can be one…But b4 I can sit down, Lindley started complaining…“Ei..julius ah..u see la…bcos of u I waste my credit…pay me back ah…”…XD..I didn’t even noe she did call me …Jux weird tat she suddenly said smthg like this ..haix… finally onli check out tat Tung Meng also did call me up…But the problem is I didn’t realise any one of the calls….anyway…I have to say a big big “THANK YOU” to both of them which are future….you-know-wat-I-mean…haha…^_^…so touched by the friendship ah…T_T
Anyway… Mr munin try to make fun of me after tat…saying that I look a bit worried…and said smthg weird…Ei…btw...I wanna ask wat is 003 huh ?? Mr munin said that it is a kind of sweets?? Hmm… I believe indeed it is a kind of u-noe-wat-sweet tat adults use to eat regularly. Do u noe wat I mean ?? if u noe..then u better be careful…cos sure enough ur favourite colour is yellow…hehe…anyway…I am nop tat kind of person..haha…
Then the things goes to Joe…He emos for the whole day..also donno y…so weird one…hmm…wonder wat happened to him o…mayb thinking of his gal friend perhaps..trying to find a good way to date her gf during the holiday??haha/…or wat ll he be emo about huh ?? He definitely looks more worried than I do….haha…Jux Joking…
@nyway, jux like wat it is opposite of wat teachers said: “Have a happy holiday!!”, we G7-ians will sure dun have a nice one…Sure enough It is applied for me…But dunno if it is usable to all..perhaps it dun applies to the smartest guy in the class..Jack..hehe…anyway..if wanna me to say smthg like Have a Sad Holiday to u all is like …smone died in that time…so better still…Happy Holidays,,,
For all those getting StPm and Spm results which ll be releasing soon on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively…I wish u all the best and the best of the best and the very very best,,,gosh …it sounds so weird…haha…whatever…good luck and pray hard !!!Hope tat evone can achieve the target set of oneself!…Aja^2 Fightin!!~ Gamb@teh!!
Anyway… Mr munin try to make fun of me after tat…saying that I look a bit worried…and said smthg weird…Ei…btw...I wanna ask wat is 003 huh ?? Mr munin said that it is a kind of sweets?? Hmm… I believe indeed it is a kind of u-noe-wat-sweet tat adults use to eat regularly. Do u noe wat I mean ?? if u noe..then u better be careful…cos sure enough ur favourite colour is yellow…hehe…anyway…I am nop tat kind of person..haha…
Then the things goes to Joe…He emos for the whole day..also donno y…so weird one…hmm…wonder wat happened to him o…mayb thinking of his gal friend perhaps..trying to find a good way to date her gf during the holiday??haha/…or wat ll he be emo about huh ?? He definitely looks more worried than I do….haha…Jux Joking…
@nyway, jux like wat it is opposite of wat teachers said: “Have a happy holiday!!”, we G7-ians will sure dun have a nice one…Sure enough It is applied for me…But dunno if it is usable to all..perhaps it dun applies to the smartest guy in the class..Jack..hehe…anyway..if wanna me to say smthg like Have a Sad Holiday to u all is like …smone died in that time…so better still…Happy Holidays,,,
For all those getting StPm and Spm results which ll be releasing soon on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively…I wish u all the best and the best of the best and the very very best,,,gosh …it sounds so weird…haha…whatever…good luck and pray hard !!!Hope tat evone can achieve the target set of oneself!…Aja^2 Fightin!!~ Gamb@teh!!
tHe seCr3t BhiNd my lOnG h@ir…
Dunno wheTher F3llow G7~ians ever wonder why I Have such a lonG hair o not ?? ActuallY I m short-Hair guy one..jux tat ..haix…no money cut my hair ah….haha..-_-||
Sm weird guy said tat I have antenna or wat so ever it is on my head…lolz..wat so ever..@ctually the hair ah,,,I have start ke3ping it since SPM..haha…at least 3 months already I didn’t cut my hair…so it is so long…of cos smtime I really get fed up of tidying my hair up and of cos I wish I can have it cut …but the problem is I wish to keep it until I got my Spm result then onli I ll cut them…it at least help me to keep sm of the memory…haha…
But anyway…I ll be going to cut the long thingy asap when I reach Sibu…btw..I m going back this Sund@y…Yeah…reallI miss the place…hmm..nop re@lli also…jux miss the fo0D thr onli…haha…the kampua thr … nice /..Kl ppl sure nvr taste tat thg b4 one…they ll sure fall in love for kampua..hehe…anyway,,,tat is the diferent thing u ppl cant have unless u go to Srwak…be more specific…kampua should say ‘origin’ from Sibu town one…haha
This time b@ck siBu I sure take the thing first..Jux like wat one of my friend does each and every time he touch down…haha…tat is quite a good practice …haha…I noe many ppl think srwak like hmm..backward or sort of thing..haha…But the truth is still the truth time if got chance pay a visit thr la..haha/…it is sure 2 different thing…I noe wat u ppl think la..srwakian nop living on trees anymore la…haha…and nop all srwakians are bumis…most Chinese are nop unless thr are “special” ones...haha..nop to insult but to criticize…XD..
Anywy..I ll have my trip back sibu by tomorrow..leaving this buzy city for my little warm town …haha…All my friends and G7-ians take kay o…
All the best to all have a good day …and good luck !!!!!! Keep in touCh!!
Sm weird guy said tat I have antenna or wat so ever it is on my head…lolz..wat so ever..@ctually the hair ah,,,I have start ke3ping it since SPM..haha…at least 3 months already I didn’t cut my hair…so it is so long…of cos smtime I really get fed up of tidying my hair up and of cos I wish I can have it cut …but the problem is I wish to keep it until I got my Spm result then onli I ll cut them…it at least help me to keep sm of the memory…haha…
But anyway…I ll be going to cut the long thingy asap when I reach Sibu…btw..I m going back this Sund@y…Yeah…reallI miss the place…hmm..nop re@lli also…jux miss the fo0D thr onli…haha…the kampua thr … nice /..Kl ppl sure nvr taste tat thg b4 one…they ll sure fall in love for kampua..hehe…anyway,,,tat is the diferent thing u ppl cant have unless u go to Srwak…be more specific…kampua should say ‘origin’ from Sibu town one…haha
This time b@ck siBu I sure take the thing first..Jux like wat one of my friend does each and every time he touch down…haha…tat is quite a good practice …haha…I noe many ppl think srwak like hmm..backward or sort of thing..haha…But the truth is still the truth time if got chance pay a visit thr la..haha/…it is sure 2 different thing…I noe wat u ppl think la..srwakian nop living on trees anymore la…haha…and nop all srwakians are bumis…most Chinese are nop unless thr are “special” ones...haha..nop to insult but to criticize…XD..
Anywy..I ll have my trip back sibu by tomorrow..leaving this buzy city for my little warm town …haha…All my friends and G7-ians take kay o…
All the best to all have a good day …and good luck !!!!!! Keep in touCh!!
Aft3R a Tir|Ng D@y..Let'S haV3 sOme FuN!!~~ is a special game to share with all of u !!!..spend smtime to play it ...train up ur skill to duel with ur mouse..hehe...and stop been a nerd if u are one..>_^ !!!haha...enjoy !!~
Hei~~wat had happened tOd@y??
hmm...jux Went to the pretty lame Pre-med. meeting jux now ..ntg special...try imagine been a stupid guy sitting thr...geting ur hand up and u noe wat for is so boring ..electing for one and a half hour....a waste of time...but time had pass...cant help ...*_*
today..finished my physics stuff...secured 2 marks but ...tat is not enough...haha..of cos...tomorow stupid Lan test is coming to us...wat is it about ?? no-eye-deer...-_-...jux reali fed up of the subject useless one...jux like rotten eggs that lindley like very very very much...XD
anyway...smthg nice did happen...we becum chicken's doctor this morning in our nice biology lab...hehe...the bloody bloody liver of chicken...try imagine ...cutting into pieces into cubes to be precise...more accurate-- one cm^3 cube of... the bloody soft and red red liver.Having the liver 'examined' , and doing the experiment...using detergent..and diferent ph medium...haix...but the problem is ...the soft soft thing juxt cant get into the stupid measuring cylinder!!!! gosh...the thingy is a erm..perhaps it smthg like a slow snail going down the cylinder...anyway..i cant do anythg to force the liver going down the cylinder.. is a good day...a normal day for me...jux tat thr are more livers during my normal days...haha...nop thr is sm more...more homework of days in holiday...gone...for all those stuff which sure enough can and will keep my very busy for the 9 days...haix......all the best to all too...fellows G7~ians!!..^_^..
~~Everyday is a special gift from God~~ ^_^
today..finished my physics stuff...secured 2 marks but ...tat is not enough...haha..of cos...tomorow stupid Lan test is coming to us...wat is it about ?? no-eye-deer...-_-...jux reali fed up of the subject useless one...jux like rotten eggs that lindley like very very very much...XD
anyway...smthg nice did happen...we becum chicken's doctor this morning in our nice biology lab...hehe...the bloody bloody liver of chicken...try imagine ...cutting into pieces into cubes to be precise...more accurate-- one cm^3 cube of... the bloody soft and red red liver.Having the liver 'examined' , and doing the experiment...using detergent..and diferent ph medium...haix...but the problem is ...the soft soft thing juxt cant get into the stupid measuring cylinder!!!! gosh...the thingy is a erm..perhaps it smthg like a slow snail going down the cylinder...anyway..i cant do anythg to force the liver going down the cylinder.. is a good day...a normal day for me...jux tat thr are more livers during my normal days...haha...nop thr is sm more...more homework of days in holiday...gone...for all those stuff which sure enough can and will keep my very busy for the 9 days...haix......all the best to all too...fellows G7~ians!!..^_^..
~~Everyday is a special gift from God~~ ^_^
Yeah,,forget about am imprtant thing
I realli thank God for been with me all this while. although i might have nop done well in certain subjects but for my is qute ok...i was realli relieved when i saw the marks..
Realli pray and thx God for tat ...Evday He is the one who took care of me. He is my dearest family member here in Subang Jaya. He is always by my side although nop physically but i know that he have been protecting me all this while..reardless of whr i go and wat steet i walk through.
Heard that smone was robbed. and my sister get robbed oso jux arong my house last month..tat is y i started going back home for lunch...but after a few weeks over...up till cny...i still stick to my house although my sis left this house oredy (shh...she is illegally lodge here)..
anyway... i realli thx God for protecting me from the thing i dun wish to happen to me.Evday is a special gift from God...appreciate it !!! Thx You!!!
Realli pray and thx God for tat ...Evday He is the one who took care of me. He is my dearest family member here in Subang Jaya. He is always by my side although nop physically but i know that he have been protecting me all this while..reardless of whr i go and wat steet i walk through.
Heard that smone was robbed. and my sister get robbed oso jux arong my house last month..tat is y i started going back home for lunch...but after a few weeks over...up till cny...i still stick to my house although my sis left this house oredy (shh...she is illegally lodge here)..
anyway... i realli thx God for protecting me from the thing i dun wish to happen to me.Evday is a special gift from God...appreciate it !!! Thx You!!!
a buZy d@y!!! is such buzy buzy day...tight scedule is following for the whole bz...
haix...nop onli the physics 1st review haunting ex cocuriculum also...haix...jux like today...right after my last period which end at 3 oclock.i rush striaght to the Bukit Angsi meeting...And once reached so surprise to see so many ppl oredy thr !!! is too many oredy.. can u just try to imagine 200+ or mayb 100++ ppl is going for the expedition !!! it is too many ppl le ba....try imagine the mountain crowded with human sound cool anyway ...haha...
the talk and briefing is realli brief and we realli listen onli to the person in charge talking and of cos ourselves are talking too..hai.x...the hailer is nop loud enough la...haix...anyway...nothing important stated...right after the briefin, i rush again to the BULATS workshop..The workshop is ok ...quite ok...But the speaker is sort of boring (sorry to say tat cos tat is the truth) and i am actualli quite surprise of the poor presentation by a fellow from uni of cambrige...haix...He should have make the talk more fun and more interesting...Ya..undeniable, i learn a lot a lot of things on preparation for works...includig writing CV, preparing for interview...and writing an application letter. I onli noe that CV is better to be ASAP (as short as possible)...hmm//the talk is again a tiring thing strange about today is ....evthg is nop enough.
b4 the workshop, i went to the briefing as mentioned. They are short of form , later after the talk finish, the registration form also finish upset ah...and poor me ..nvr have a chance to grab the form. have to wait ..perhaps have to go n photo copy for myself...haix...
right after that...i went striaght to the library to duel with my physics project...start finding details and documents on food additives for Biology...chemistry have find sm oso// haix..that one make me stay at sch until 8 oclock...haix...after tat only i went home to have my dinner my bath and now siting in front of the pc...typing up wat i have done for the day...haix...such tiring day...luckily it about to past oredy...haha..
anyway still got about 3 hours to go...haha...but i hope this three hours nvr flow tomorow will again be a buzy day...hmm......bsides...the foot steps are nearer and nearer also...
spm results is nearer and nearer...I was so nervous... but i believe that God will always be with me for wat ever i have achieved. Good luck to all..!!! Gambateh..aja-@jA FighTing!!!...*_*
haix...nop onli the physics 1st review haunting ex cocuriculum also...haix...jux like today...right after my last period which end at 3 oclock.i rush striaght to the Bukit Angsi meeting...And once reached so surprise to see so many ppl oredy thr !!! is too many oredy.. can u just try to imagine 200+ or mayb 100++ ppl is going for the expedition !!! it is too many ppl le ba....try imagine the mountain crowded with human sound cool anyway ...haha...
the talk and briefing is realli brief and we realli listen onli to the person in charge talking and of cos ourselves are talking too..hai.x...the hailer is nop loud enough la...haix...anyway...nothing important stated...right after the briefin, i rush again to the BULATS workshop..The workshop is ok ...quite ok...But the speaker is sort of boring (sorry to say tat cos tat is the truth) and i am actualli quite surprise of the poor presentation by a fellow from uni of cambrige...haix...He should have make the talk more fun and more interesting...Ya..undeniable, i learn a lot a lot of things on preparation for works...includig writing CV, preparing for interview...and writing an application letter. I onli noe that CV is better to be ASAP (as short as possible)...hmm//the talk is again a tiring thing strange about today is ....evthg is nop enough.
b4 the workshop, i went to the briefing as mentioned. They are short of form , later after the talk finish, the registration form also finish upset ah...and poor me ..nvr have a chance to grab the form. have to wait ..perhaps have to go n photo copy for myself...haix...
right after that...i went striaght to the library to duel with my physics project...start finding details and documents on food additives for Biology...chemistry have find sm oso// haix..that one make me stay at sch until 8 oclock...haix...after tat only i went home to have my dinner my bath and now siting in front of the pc...typing up wat i have done for the day...haix...such tiring day...luckily it about to past oredy...haha..
anyway still got about 3 hours to go...haha...but i hope this three hours nvr flow tomorow will again be a buzy day...hmm......bsides...the foot steps are nearer and nearer also...
spm results is nearer and nearer...I was so nervous... but i believe that God will always be with me for wat ever i have achieved. Good luck to all..!!! Gambateh..aja-@jA FighTing!!!...*_*
today's PresS release !!!!!!!!
It has been confirmed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPM 2007 results will be released on March 12, 2008 (Wednesday). You can get results at schools after 10am.
see wat The Star Online reports,
SPM, STAM results out March 12PETALING JAYA: The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) results will be released on March 12.Education director-general Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom said students would be able to obtain the results after 10am from their schools.“Private candidates will receive their results through the post,” he said in a statement.A total of 439,255 students sat for the SPM while 6,522 students sat for the STAM last year.Alimuddin said an analysis of the results would be announced on the same day.
haiz...result wan cum out le...wat is the feelings ?? hmm..i m so wanted to noe it but fear smhow...
anyway good luck and all the best to all of u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPM 2007 results will be released on March 12, 2008 (Wednesday). You can get results at schools after 10am.
see wat The Star Online reports,
SPM, STAM results out March 12PETALING JAYA: The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) results will be released on March 12.Education director-general Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom said students would be able to obtain the results after 10am from their schools.“Private candidates will receive their results through the post,” he said in a statement.A total of 439,255 students sat for the SPM while 6,522 students sat for the STAM last year.Alimuddin said an analysis of the results would be announced on the same day.
haiz...result wan cum out le...wat is the feelings ?? hmm..i m so wanted to noe it but fear smhow...
anyway good luck and all the best to all of u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H3i!!! SpM reSults comIng out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So anxious now!! i got one news..hopefulli that it is reliable....
Spm result will be out on 12 Mac 08! realli nervous and anxious about it...
I hope i ll get good results!!I think i can achive the height the target i set for myself...I believe in myself...
btw..all the best to all also ...the best of the best!!!
Spm result will be out on 12 Mac 08! realli nervous and anxious about it...
I hope i ll get good results!!I think i can achive the height the target i set for myself...I believe in myself...
btw..all the best to all also ...the best of the best!!!
oh SmellY!!!! D@mN yoU pPl!!!!! HAte !!!
haix...the guys living upstair..right above my room is cooking since Sunday...haix...realli cant tahan the smoke coming inside my confortable air-con room...Haix...making my room smell like wat?!
haix...dun think u can ever imagine the rotten eggs spill over the floor..the odour the pungent and the smelly smelly bau of tat rotten eggs is so so so strong and i realli cant tahan whenevr i open my door !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gosh !!!!!!!!!!!!!I hate it.....the floor is mopped and it get worse , try to imagine mopping the rotten eggs o over the floor !!!......aduh!!!!i realli dunno how to dual with these ppl ah....better go outside eat la...haix...realli headache ah...
somemore...i got find them using my kicap sauce terrible la them...use my oyster sauce...i freshly buy one leh...they are so ... ...haix...reali cant stand them...haix...
Rotten egGs..try think la...common sense 2 to 3 months oredy..the eggs oredy rot like wat oredy still wan to eat brain one...haix..
i onli can pray to God, ask Him to help me to dual with all this ppl ah...haix...realli cant tolerate ...haix...God will sure help me one.ya...sure...gonna sleep now...hopefulli the odour will 'disappear' tomorow morning...but i noe tat is not tat possible . the odour will last thr for at least one month...haix...stupid thing la them... Prawn brain !!!haix...
haix...dun think u can ever imagine the rotten eggs spill over the floor..the odour the pungent and the smelly smelly bau of tat rotten eggs is so so so strong and i realli cant tahan whenevr i open my door !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gosh !!!!!!!!!!!!!I hate it.....the floor is mopped and it get worse , try to imagine mopping the rotten eggs o over the floor !!!......aduh!!!!i realli dunno how to dual with these ppl ah....better go outside eat la...haix...realli headache ah...
somemore...i got find them using my kicap sauce terrible la them...use my oyster sauce...i freshly buy one leh...they are so ... ...haix...reali cant stand them...haix...
Rotten egGs..try think la...common sense 2 to 3 months oredy..the eggs oredy rot like wat oredy still wan to eat brain one...haix..
i onli can pray to God, ask Him to help me to dual with all this ppl ah...haix...realli cant tolerate ...haix...God will sure help me one.ya...sure...gonna sleep now...hopefulli the odour will 'disappear' tomorow morning...but i noe tat is not tat possible . the odour will last thr for at least one month...haix...stupid thing la them... Prawn brain !!!haix...
ExaM results ?? Anxious?? Nervous?! HapPY?? S@d??n0 fe3lINg...Emo??!...watevEr...
Exam results cum out oredy..nop spm one but my common tests...haix...have nop done well in few subjects...o..i hate it!!!
haix...for biology...evthg is oright is onli a diffrence of onli one mark man!!! for me achive 19A sad...didnt realli study well for the quizes and also the coommon test !! Oh..wat i Hate is those useless mcq...stupid objective question. 1 q 2 marks ah...realli cant tahan its weightage...haix...lose 6 marks bcos of stupid klmn !! regret ah...should have achive better grades la..haix..
asfor my onli i get the paper was a disaster realli ...I was shock at first t see my marks low!!!!! I realli hate myself for that....checking through the paper onli found out tat Mr Munin calculate my paper wrongly....haiz...i relli have a scare of my life...but anyway...the truth is the truth ...i got cut marks for stupid n careless mistakes... marks gone...endigup poor result man...reali nop satisfy...Y have i done all those stupid and silly mistakes ?? y= 2x...the coordinate at x=3, -3....wat stupid thg will come out with (3,9),(-3,-9)...gosh...reali terrible horible and vegetable ah...haix..sign diagram no dotted exact critical value ?!!!..haiz/...dun realli like it la..haix...
for it last week weak n poor...realli have to improve in tat...i cant blame anyoe for tat...i can onli blame myself for nop studying o my own ...always depend solely on sad...physics onli get a 14B onli...haix...poor poor...dunno how le lo...haix...
Chemistry...the subject which i have been failing to get a high scoresince secondary years...haix... should noe wat is the results le...haix...reali demotivated by the marks...i hate chemistry...tat is wat i have always think of...i dun like it at all...but watever...i have to take tat ..haix...i have too...
haix...esl...wat ll be the result ?? any idea ?? haix....hope is good la...hope onli...hiax..looking forward for the test paper...haix...i realli wish myself all the best le...anyway i noe god will help me...thx my heavenly Father...
haix...for biology...evthg is oright is onli a diffrence of onli one mark man!!! for me achive 19A sad...didnt realli study well for the quizes and also the coommon test !! Oh..wat i Hate is those useless mcq...stupid objective question. 1 q 2 marks ah...realli cant tahan its weightage...haix...lose 6 marks bcos of stupid klmn !! regret ah...should have achive better grades la..haix..
asfor my onli i get the paper was a disaster realli ...I was shock at first t see my marks low!!!!! I realli hate myself for that....checking through the paper onli found out tat Mr Munin calculate my paper wrongly....haiz...i relli have a scare of my life...but anyway...the truth is the truth ...i got cut marks for stupid n careless mistakes... marks gone...endigup poor result man...reali nop satisfy...Y have i done all those stupid and silly mistakes ?? y= 2x...the coordinate at x=3, -3....wat stupid thg will come out with (3,9),(-3,-9)...gosh...reali terrible horible and vegetable ah...haix..sign diagram no dotted exact critical value ?!!!..haiz/...dun realli like it la..haix...
for it last week weak n poor...realli have to improve in tat...i cant blame anyoe for tat...i can onli blame myself for nop studying o my own ...always depend solely on sad...physics onli get a 14B onli...haix...poor poor...dunno how le lo...haix...
Chemistry...the subject which i have been failing to get a high scoresince secondary years...haix... should noe wat is the results le...haix...reali demotivated by the marks...i hate chemistry...tat is wat i have always think of...i dun like it at all...but watever...i have to take tat ..haix...i have too...
haix...esl...wat ll be the result ?? any idea ?? haix....hope is good la...hope onli...hiax..looking forward for the test paper...haix...i realli wish myself all the best le...anyway i noe god will help me...thx my heavenly Father...
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- W@t i haVe donE for Sunday,,,
- Tagged ??!!! ...hehe ...^_^
- Re@lli ...tired ...and tired....haix...Exh@us3d...
- g@mes!!!
- Today is 3@stEr Sund@y!!!
- Going fOr hOSpital atTachMent...
- M|seR@blE!!!
- haiz...tiring days,,,
- hmM...another day...tired...
- hmm..haiz...h0L|d@y ..gone...
- i'M h@pPy toDaY!!!!!!!!!!! HaleLujah Thx My Heaven...
- Damn NerVoUs noW!!!!!!!!!!!
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- HaiZ...wat a d@y....
- In this HoliDay if u Fe3l Bored..Com3 h3re & PlAy!...
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- Be h@ppy ...!! Must be happY !!
- Did th3 Thing I kNow It is WronG and tHe puniShmen...
- tHe seCr3t BhiNd my lOnG h@ir…
- Aft3R a Tir|Ng D@y..Let'S haV3 sOme FuN!!~~
- Hei~~wat had happened tOd@y??
- Yeah,,forget about am imprtant thing
- a buZy d@y!!!
- today's PresS release !!!!!!!!
- H3i!!! SpM reSults comIng out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So anxi...
- oh SmellY!!!! D@mN yoU pPl!!!!! HAte !!!
- ExaM results ?? Anxious?? Nervous?! HapPY?? S@d??n...
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