B@ck to colL3ge...wat a life...

simply one word...one word is more than enough to describe this wonderfool day,...

Decided to change my style of wrting blog too...
instead of lengthy one...
i split it...
haha..it looks long..of cos...lol

hmm..today ,,,is really nop a go0d day...
try imagine..been a sort of stupid fellow in class...
displaying a face of dont-noe-wat-u-r-talking-about face...
it is reali desperated...
so sad...
change in timetable...
make my life even worse..

gosh...realli headache...
haix...lotz n lotz of works to do
++ plus manymany things to catch up...
n guess wat all those stupid...
common tests ll be haunting us... in few weeks time.
i dun like it at all...reali hop to escape...

haix...anyway,,,tiring ..too exhaused...help me...haix...
bio..phy...che...esl...msu...sounds weird for me oredy...
haix..reali desperated...anyway...
i have to continue my life..;p
/..it is given by my God...

best to all...all future jpa scholars all the best in interview!!
hope tat evone can get it...go0D luck..!!~~
