bt i gonna tell u tat this breakfast sucks...
damn hot one ...
very very hot instead ...haix...
the macaroni ..or watever they call it Malay style one..
reali taste diferent leh..haha..
bt then after tat ..we have our chemistry lab at 10am ...we finish eat then go to the lab..
loiter outside and take sm nice pictures too...
wat experiment are we going to do??
double salt preparation ...haix..
hai...quite oring one actualli... wat we nid is basically...this this this....n this..
and of cos before the experiment start ..we take picture thr la..
then the hiao camy ..start to take pictures leh...haha..
haha...after tat end the chem period lo...then busy busy till abt 4pm..
damn tired...then nid to join the ko-pln thingy lor...
reali very very tiring ...haix...
bt luckily today the lecturer didnt come and we are released at 5pm//haha//
hw abt you ?? your days ??
hmm... check back ya...see ya^^
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