hei.thx a lot to my dear friend ..and also me...
today ...intec lost one beaker...
in the sense tat ,...we have it break into two...haha...
lets take a look at its 2nd new appearance...
today is also the MSC math science carnival in my school...
aiks...overally ...damn boring...
ntg very special...
as i can see it is worse than the one my school organized b4 ..
i mean my former school..^^
we have the disect thingy ...
this is the thing tat oways u can get it in watsoever carnival...
as long as it related to science...haha..
tat is the onli attraction ...haix..
bt...think la..poor katak..
nid to be killed for this ...carnival...
poor katak...
i feel damn sorry for you la...
may god bless ur way ...
thx for showing me ur organs!! ...
after i visited the frogy part...i proceed...
ntg else interested me...
bt one thing tat make me feel weird
n quite surprise for the director to allow such thing is ...
tat is the onli thing i found it tat special...
bt it is very risky ..smwat...haix...
too dangerous...in the sch compound smmore..
and u gonna pay for it...pay the price ...n also pay it with ur life !! ..haix...
dangerous la...
and u noe wat i heard others say abt tat...???
it is better to drift using the own car instead of seating ...like riding on a car moving in high speed...haha
nice ..i impressed with this person..
anyway spot a nice car...beside..
beg they are nop going to use it to drift right ??
hah...tat is BMW man..
it doesnt look tat gorgious anyway...haha..
let's me end today's post using this...
camy sleeping haha....blek...
camy u like it wat...haha...blek...
talk bad abt me la ??haha...