18th year old birthD@y!! a Sign of Fre3dom??

haix...Today is my 18th years old birthday...the date and the day i have been waiting for such a long time..it represent freedom for me as a 18 year old kidz is no more under parents' control..o to say be more mature in watever sense in life..

However for me when i reach this stage and when it is today, i rather feel a bit empty an sad in my heart. nop in the sense tat i m not in home town ...no one celebrate for me but it is sort of sorrow as i think i m no more a little child and all of the thg are on my own oredy.Haiz...having to responsible for evthg is nop reali tat easy..i noe...haix...

anyway..today i went through it with smiles and happiness. Hmm...evthg is jux like normal...I realli thx for those whu sent message to me in midnight and also those hu send me greetings on msn. I realli thx all of you, and wishes u all have a great day too. Thniking about tomorow is a another day, it is so horrifying..haix....anyway..thx my heavenly Father for been with me throughout the day.Best to all my friends and family!!
