Satruday...reali lucki wor...we spot the lion walking around...
is it a lion ?? or wat so ever la...dunno wat animal it is ..lolz..
taken pictures lo...haha....nice~~
lol...Lewis and me went together to ice skate...haha...
anyway,..glad to feel tat i noe ice skate le...
so happy ..
although nop reali tat pro in it...
bt still ok la...haha..
the good thing of cos it is nop onli ice skate tat we play...
I played...VERTICAL ROCK CLIMBING!!! is damn fun la..
very challenging for me indeed...
bt the problem is i cant get up again ...
i mean after half way through...haix..
so louya one la me...
no la.. i think it is also the shoes tat make the thing slippery..
I should have my shoes of la...haha...
anyway...pass oredy...haha..
finding excuse again
played Basketball...though i dun win anything...
i am a no-no to basketball ok?..Lewis make me play it...haix...
jux feel so embarassed...haix..
bsides tat oso play the soccer game..
it is damn lame la...
complete a circle in less than 20 seconds...
bt i think the ppl thr cheat us with the time...T_T..haha... n lewis still have fun thr..
it is nice reali...
erm...for me besides tat
i oso play the over the tyres thingy
it is damn easy la
it is the esaiest for me among all... yet i noe la..
it dont seems so
i gt a bottle of 100 plus from it!!! so nice....
oh ya..forget to say...
for ev games tat you had fulfilled the criteria...
you ll probably be given a small gift,,
ranging from band to wristband to cap and etc
of cos most common one is a bottle of 100 plus lo...
after the whole least the few hours thr..
me and Lewis collected 4 bottles...
it is nop much i noe...
bt enough to be given and share...
haha...given 1 to lewis mum lo...
and another to his roommate...^^
Thx 100 PLUS !!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
after the tiring...
i go eat kampua...haha
so nice...haix..
so miss kampua in my hometown la..haix...
although it is a lot more expensive than Sibu ...T_T
double or maybe triple price leh..haix...
i m glad i can eat dao la..
i jux miss tat kampua...
the kampua here is a bit diferent
i mean the taste and all that lo..
anyway...i m quick ok with it la...haix...
at least got a bit Srwak de flavour...haha...XD
haha...then tat tis about the end of the day lo..haha..
at night watched movie at Sunway condo till about midnite then jux sleep ...haha..
anyway...tat is the day...
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