Refreshing morning..i woke up...haha...
nop in Subang...
bt in Sunway...nice,..
indeed thx Lewis...for allowing to stay..haha..
thx for his lunch the day b4 too...haha...
nice to be ur friend...haha..
anyway...the pic...i took in his room...haha
it is twin sharing room...^^nice...
simple bt it...haha...
at least nop like my small little poor room...haha..XD
After the earli
went down to Medan...wat they used to call...
or Rock cafe for breakfast...
nice..i like the ling mee...very reasonable price o~~haha
the taste nice too...haha...
after tat ah...wait the fu ying car to fetch to church...aiks...
my sunday indeed nop tat fruitfull..
fter church...lunch..then all friendsbreak of le...
haix...many outstation fiends oso go back le yo...
so no friends play
very lonely...
at night ..erm...actuali wanna go pyramid again...
bt go later...
cos shopped for the whole afternoon oredy...haha...
at Carrefour ..try imagine...
poor diao...
it is till the extent tat i have to go atm mesin to press some money first ah...
anyway...ok le many thing...
shoes...pants...shirt...all are formal one...haha..
cos nid to go Hospital attachment...haha...haix..
tomorow..a challengnning day...
IN SJMC...nice..
tat is my be continue...tomorow...^^
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